【预售】Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
Lie Algebras 李代数 耶鲁大学内森·雅各布森 Dover数学丛书
海外直订Lie Groups and Lie Algebras - A Physicist's Perspective 李群和李代数——物理学家的观点
【预售】Lectures on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
【预售】Representations of Algebras: Proceedings of the
[预订]Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras in the BGG Category O 9781470463267
Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras
【预售】Dualities on Generalized Koszul Algebras
【预售】Clifford Algebras: An Introduction
【预售】Banach Algebras and Compact Operators
【预售】Geometry of State Spaces of Operator Algebras
【预售】The Homology of Banach and Topological Algebras
【预售】On Normalized Integral Table Algebras (Fusion Rin...
【预订】Clifford Algebras and Their Applicat...
【预订】Modular Lie Algebras
【预售】Elliptic Genera and Vertex Operator Super-Algebras
【预售】Algebras of Linear Transformations
【预订】Finite-Dimensional Division Algebras...
【预售】Metaplectic Groups and Segal Algebras
【预售】Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras
【预售】Nonlinear Equations and Operator Algebras
【预售】A Taste of Jordan Algebras
预订 Non-commutative Multiple-Valued Logic Algebras
【预售】Constructions of Lie Algebras and Their Modules
【预售】Bose Algebras: The Complex and Real Wave
【预售】Homotopy Theory of C*-Algebras
【预订】Gelfand Triples and Their Hecke Algebras
【预售】Several Complex Variables and Banach Algebras
【预售】On Normalized Integral Table Algebras (Fusion
【预售】Mobius Functions, Incidence Algebras and Power
【预售】A Course in Commutative Banach Algebras
【预售】Partial *-Algebras and Their Operator Realizations
【预订】Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras
【预售】Quadratic Algebras, Clifford Algebras, and
【预售】Gauss Sums and p-adic Division Algebras
【预订】Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras
【预订】Applications of Lie Algebras to Hype...
预订 Basic Representation Theory of Algebras
【预售】Mirror Geometry of Lie Algebras, Lie Groups and
【预售】Statistical Applications of Jordan Algebras
【预售】Notes on Lie Algebras
【预售】The Lie Algebras Su(n): An Introduction
【预售】State Spaces of Operator Algebras: Basic Theory
【预订】Shift-invariant Uniform Algebras on Groups
【预订】Stability of Functional Equations in Banach Algebras
【预订】Tomita-Takesaki Theory in Algebras of Unbounded Operators
预订 Algebras of Pseudodifferential Operators
【预订】Function Algebras
【预售】M-Ideals in Banach Spaces and Banach Algebras
【预订】Clifford Algebras
【预售】Algebras of Pseudodifferential Operators
预订 Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: Monge Ampere Equation Rings and Algebras
【预订】Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras
【预售】Applications of Lie Algebras to Hyperbolic and
【预售】Cardinal Invariants on Boolean Algebras
预订 The Homology of Banach and Topological Algebras
【预订】Cardinal Functions on Boolean Algebras
【预售】Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras
【预订】Boolean Algebras 9783642858222
【预订】Quaternion Algebras 9783030566920
【预订】An Introduction to Hopf Algebras
【预售】Current Algebras and Groups
【预订】Brauer Groups, Hopf Algebras and Galois Theory 9781402003462
【预售】Lie Algebras
【预售】Duality Theories for Boolean Algebras
【预售】Lie Algebras of Bounded Operators
【预售】State Spaces of Operator Algebras: Basic Theor...
【预售】Introduction to Boolean Algebras
【预售】Hecke Algebras
【预售】Algebraic and Analytic Aspects of Operator Algebras
【预订】Complete Normed Algebras
【预订】Perturbation of Banach Algebras
【预售】Finite-Dimensional Division Algebras Over Fields
【预售】Lie Algebras: Madison 1987. Proceedings of a
【预售】Representations of Affine Hecke Algebras
【预订】Locally Convex Quasi *-Algebras and their Representations
【预售】Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Ma...
【预售】Clifford Algebras: Applications to Mathematics...
【预售】Nonselfadjoint Operator Algebras, Operator The...
预订 Nonlinear Equations and Operator Algebras
【预售】Cohomology of Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras
预订 C*-Algebras and Applications to Physics
[预订]A Course on Hopf Algebras
预订 Operator Algebras and their Connections with Topology and Ergodic Theory
【预订】Jordan Algebras and Algebraic Groups 9783540636328
预订 Grassmann and Stiefel Varieties over Composition Algebras 复合代数上的格拉斯曼与斯蒂费尔变异: 9783031364075
【预售】Axioms for Lattices and Boolean Algebras